Architectural Review

What is architectural review?

One of the main purposes of an HOA is to collectively protect property values throughout a subdivision by setting and maintaining standards and keeping a neighborhood a clean, safe, and enjoyable place to live. Every house built in the subdivision undergoes review from Architectural Control so exterior modifications which have an effect, whether you might realize it or not, on other lots/houses around yours and the subdivision as a whole must undergo review to make sure they are in line with standards set for the subdivision and that the requested changes don't go against the flow of the neighborhood or have a negative impact on others.

Does my project require architectural review approval?

Common projects such as driveway extensions, major landscaping changes, changes in exterior paint colors, pools, and external buildings including storage sheds, all require prior approval from the HOA’s Architectural Review Committee. If it’s something that can be seen from the road or by a neighbor, a good rule of thumb is to get architectural review approval beforehand to protect yourself. This process is not a complicated one however, simply fill out the online form below and include all the important information (it's most helpful to have a rendering or similar picture to your anticipated project, as well as a drawing of where the project will be on your lot).

What if my project is in the backyard?

If you have a fence, a good rule of thumb is anything under 5 ft tall, does not require an ACC Modification Request, with the exception of a change in drainage that can affect other lots around yours (significant additional impervious surfaces, changes in grading, or swimming pools). If you do not have a fence, you would need to submit a request for the same types of projects as you would in your front yard.

I want to do the exact same project my neighbor just completed. Do I still need to submit an architectural review request?

Yes. Never assume your neighbor submitted their plans and received approval for their project. Their approval doesn’t apply to your lot. Having an ARC approval protects you and any future homeowner if you sell your home from running into an issue regarding your project from the HOA.

What happens if I don’t submit an architectural review request and get approval?

If you do not get approval for a modification to your house or lot and the HOA finds that your project is not in keeping with the look and flow of the subdivision, you could be forced to remove the project in question and revert to the previous condition. Homeowners are liable for any financial losses that would occur in such a case. While this is rare, it has happened. That’s why it’s always best to go ahead and get approval before you spend any money on a project.

How long does the architectural review process take?

Most requests typically receive an approval within 1-2 weeks. If more information is needed or the ARC recommends changes to you make a change to your request, the timeliness of your response will play a large role in how long the process takes. If no further information is requested from the ARC, the maximum review length is 30 days.

My request was denied by the ARC. Can I appeal?

Our ARC is made up of fellow homeowners who will try their best to work with you to get approval for your project, however, if you’re not agreeable to making recommended changes to your request or the ARC doesn’t see a path to get to approval and your request is denied, you can appeal to the Board of Directors. The appeal would take place at the next quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors. In such cases, the decision of the Board is final.

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